Saturday Poem

This is my Saturday poem about why I love Saturdays so much. I have to be honest, they are not that exciting but I just like having a chance to not be running around madly. Chilling with TV shows or maybe nipping to the cinema make Saturdays restful and worth looking forward to.

Here it is – Saturday,

Time for us to chill and play,

Watch some Netflix, Disney too,

Amazon and HBO see me through,

And Just Like That and Bobba Fett,

Alex Ryder or Dynasty instead.

Yes Saturday is my TV day,

With an hour of fitness along the way.

Nip to Tesco, grab some food,

No work to be done – massive ‘Phew!’

Catch up with friends, gossip and chat,

And then it’s over, the end of that.

Sunday rises with a yawn,

Prepare for work the following morn.

Thank you for reading my Saturday poem. What do you like to do on Saturdays? Let me know in the comments below. Perhaps follow my blog for similar future content.

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