The Direct Link Between Our Actions and Climate Change

This month on ‘The Climate Change Collective’ we are discussing how climate change is impacting all of our futures. Molly from Transatlantic Notes blog has written a brilliant post about just how interrelated humans are with the environment.

In her wonderful article, Understanding how climate action redefines our future, Molly looks at how vital members of food chains are being depleted because of even small increases in temperature and just how unstable our ecosystems are.

Delicate Balance

Many people chose to ignore the threat of climate change because they cannot feel the effects of it in their daily lives. Molly outlines why that just isn’t true. Yes, the developed countries often feel it less strongly than third world nations, but the evidence of climate change is all around. One thing is for sure, it is us humans that are causing the problem.

We have seen record temperatures during the summer and winters which are far less cold than previously. Increased wild fires during heatwaves, water shortages, poor harvests and more flood occurrences are just a few of the effects we have felt in the UK and USA.

I urge you to check out Molly’s interesting article and discover how a particular butterfly species plays a major role in keeping an ecosystem strong. Locally, I have noticed far fewer insects such as bees and wasps this year. These insects are so important as pollinators and it would be awful if they were to die out.

Check out this month’s climate post and drop Molly a comment about your thoughts on this matter.

4 thoughts on “The Direct Link Between Our Actions and Climate Change

  1. It’s great to be a part of this collective; thank you so much for sharing this messaging and for speaking to the fact that even the smallest change to climate can sometimes have a devastating knock on impact.

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