What Makes Sleep Better? 5 Suggestions

Lately I have been trying different ways to relax and unwind. I especially wanted to increase the amount of sleep I got. For me, I often have to do work until later in the evening and find it tricky to drift off. I also hate getting up in the morning and need to catch up on lost hours. This post is all about exploring ways to potentially sleep better.

So, there is nothing radical here but I do hope there will be even more suggestions in the comments below. It is always great to share ideas on a blog article. I learn so much this way and maybe you will pick up some tips along the way.

1) Make sure you do something physical

It sounds fairly obvious but it makes a massive difference. If you get some exercise during the day, you are much more likely to sleep more soundly.

I find that if I do have a sedentary day, catching up on admin and paperwork, I am less likely to sleep well. If I mix in a fast walk or quick gym session, the quality of sleep I get that night will normally be enhanced.

2) Create the right atmosphere

A dark room, with some calm music or a quiet soundscape should do the trick. I had some curtains that weren’t blocking out the sun in Summer. They were letting in that sunrise and waking me up far too soon.

Alongside good curtains, it is worth finding a suitable podcast or app to listen to. I love turning on the Calm app which has plenty of sleep stories, music and a variety of soundscapes. Sometimes I prefer a woodland backing and others I want flowing water.

3) Keep to a routine

Going to bed at different times every day can be disruptive to your sleep pattern. If you keep confusing your mind and body by having late nights and early ones, your sleep will be messed up.

As annoying as it can seem, I have found going to bed at the same time every night really helps. I try to make sure I squeeze in eight hours of sleep but often it ends up being more like seven.

4) Consider a scent

Sometimes having a fragrance in the bedroom can aid with better sleep. Often a diffuser with a scent that is not too overbearing will help to create that sleepy atmosphere.

Alternatively you can buy little sprays that you pop on your pillow before you lay down. They usually have lavender in them and are meant to promote nodding off.

5) Have regular naps

We all have busy lives and sometimes catching up on sleep is tough. Many people opt to have naps during the daytime and this can be very useful in making sure you get the sleep that you need.

I love to have an afternoon nap at the weekend and on Fridays when I work more flexibly from home. It is really beneficial to have an afternoon nap and can make you feel revitalised and fresh.


Final Thoughts

There are so many things that you could try if you want to improve the amount and quality of sleep that you get. These were my suggestions based on my own experiences and I would love to know your thoughts on this subject.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this article about making sleep better. Please comment any tips you may have and consider following my blog for future similar content.

For another of my lifestyle articles about entertainment, have a read of Read, Watch, Listen which includes a book, TV show and podcast recommendation.

17 thoughts on “What Makes Sleep Better? 5 Suggestions

  1. I love a nap! My routine’s just this week massively changed again so I haven’t been as active while I find my feet and I have noticed a difference in my energy levels and sleep quality, hopefully it is just a blip – great post

  2. I love napping. But I try not to nap too much. I personally like listening to soft music or a podcast before bed it helps me sleep better.

  3. These are great tips getting better sleep! I agree it’s useful to have blackout curtains for the bedroom, and the Calm app does sound great. Also, I definitely recommend having a consistent nighttime routine.

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