A Book I Forgot To Mention…

This morning I was having a cup of tea and thinking about a book that I finished reading a couple of months ago. The reason for this recollection was that I had just ordered the next book by this particular author and it made me think about just how powerful her other story had been.

Clever, witty, heart-breaking.

The author is a well-known British comedienne, Shappi Khorsandi, and the book is called ‘Nina is not OK’. It tells the story of a sixth former about to go to university whose alcohol addiction turns her life upside down.

Starting off as a fun habit, the drinking problem becomes hugely impactful when her mum moves to Germany and she finds herself kissing her best friend’s dad. Something much more sinister happened on a night out when flirting got confused with consent.

Shappi is a funny woman who I have watched and enjoyed hearing doing her comedy act live. Her writing is powerful but is in no way morbid. She deals with the humorous side of life whilst also not being afraid to unpick the awkward side of night life and inequality. Her narrative is touching and very thought-provoking with really relatable issues such as body confidence, self-esteem and social media pressures.

Covering life as a student whose dad passed away due to drinking related illness, Shappi tells a torturous tale which really makes you get behind the main character, Nina, and wish her well in her battle against the bottle as well as dealing with an abuser.

For my original comments on this book check out my YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/qpQSWb43rDs

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