Arguing for Arguing’s Sake

Recently I have noticed people arguing more and more for the sake of it. Here are my thoughts about this:

Whatever you believe, however strongly you feel about something,

Not everybody views and feels the same as you.

You may try and twist their arm, using powers of persuasion,

But everyone has the right to view and feel differently.

We don’t have to start fights about viewpoint,

It is easy to listen and show understanding.

There is no need to force your opinion on somebody,

So long as both sides get to be heard.

When one side shouts loudest, it doesn’t mean they are the only ones right,

There are two sides to every story and two people beneath opposing views.

Cannot we work alongside each other without the pressure to all follow one route?

Cannot we all debate and discuss without dictating and taking sides?

You can be friends with everyone and anyone, no matter their views on society or lifestyle.

Here’s to an accepting world. A peaceful one. A less argumentative humanity.

3 Things I Liked About The Royal Wedding

I have to point out the obvious… this was different…but in a good way.

1) Meghan broke with tradition and added some much needed sparkle to the occasion. It began with both of the happy couple saying, ‘I will’ rather than ‘I do.’ When Harry said if initially it caused a chuckle amongst those assembled. This struck a tone for the while wedding, which was relaxed and represented a modern celebration of love.

2) Sheku Kanneh-Mason!

I remember learning to play cello at school and it is one of the hardest instruments to perfect. I won a competition to have free tuition and was fairly skilled with music but the difficulty and awkwardness of the cello defeated me and I gave up. This guy @ShekuKM was a master of the art form. Apparently he recently won the BBC Young Musician of the Year Competition and Prince Harry had seen him play. Obviously he had made his mark as Meghan Markle then rang him up in April and asked him to play at her wedding.

Playing three tunes – including Ave Maria, he looked calm and collected and delivered each of the melodies with ease.

3) She (Meghan) was definitely making a fresh mark on royal occasions when she invited a gospel choir to sing Stand By Me near the end of proceedings. The music choices and everything about the decor, with the elegant arch of flowers and twines above the doorway of St George’s Chapel, and simple yet radiant dresses, made this a wonderful sight to see.

I wish the lovely pair a wonderful, fruitful future.

What was your favourite part of the wedding of the year?