What Is Going On With The News?

I watch the News and worry. People say not to bother watching but I want to know what is going on in this crazy world. After all, if we simply turn a blind eye, how will we ever deal with anything effectively?

When it comes to climate change, I hear people say things like:

‘Don’t take any notice of the News. Forget about global warming. It’s not worth thinking about.’

We could all bury our heads but that is not going to change anything for the better.

Look At Cloud Seeding…

In Dubai, there have been powerful rain storms leading to devastating floods and sand slides.

People comment on the weirdness of these weather incidents. Yet it is well known that Dubai uses cloud seeding to artificially create clouds.

This messing around with nature has bitten back. Massive storm clouds have resulted and much destruction caused by flash flooding and intense storms.

As For The Royals

Princess Kate has just had abdominal surgery and is having time off from royal duties to recover.

Yet Tiktok and News outlets are obsessed with knowing what exactly she had suffered from. Speculation has gone mad and now a photo released on Mothering Sunday has stirred up gossip.

So what if Kate cropped a family photograph?

Who hasn’t edited a photo to make it look slightly better, less dark or a little less smudged?

It is bonkers that the media is now accusing the royals of lying because of this. Give a poorly woman a break!

And As For Trump…

I would need to write a whole essay just about him and his apparent comeback. I can’t face that right now.



Has the News wound you up lately too?

Arguing for Arguing’s Sake

Recently I have noticed people arguing more and more for the sake of it. Here are my thoughts about this:

Whatever you believe, however strongly you feel about something,

Not everybody views and feels the same as you.

You may try and twist their arm, using powers of persuasion,

But everyone has the right to view and feel differently.

We don’t have to start fights about viewpoint,

It is easy to listen and show understanding.

There is no need to force your opinion on somebody,

So long as both sides get to be heard.

When one side shouts loudest, it doesn’t mean they are the only ones right,

There are two sides to every story and two people beneath opposing views.

Cannot we work alongside each other without the pressure to all follow one route?

Cannot we all debate and discuss without dictating and taking sides?

You can be friends with everyone and anyone, no matter their views on society or lifestyle.

Here’s to an accepting world. A peaceful one. A less argumentative humanity.