Meet My Sponsor

Who would believe it is already the middle of spring after our sudden snap of cold weather in the UK? April is here and we are going to soon be welcoming summer strolls and lighting up barbecues – hopefully. I am extra excited because my blog will be a year old at the end of May. I have grown to love blogging and especially being a part of this friendly and supportive blogging community.

Anyway, I am so pleased to be sponsored this month by a brilliant Canadian blogger who I have been a fan of right since I started blogging. Simply Alex Jean is a wonderful member of our blogging community who has some really useful articles about everything from Pinterest tips and motivation techniques to lifestyle hacks such as recommended essential oils.

Check out Alex’s brilliant blog

Here are three of her recent blog posts to give you a taste of what she has to offer. Her writing is relatable, thoughtful and full of useful information.

As well as providing us with a fabulous blog, Alex provides Pinterest management advice. I recently took her up on this and used her keyword recommendations which were really great and easy to apply to my pins. I have already learned a lot about Pinterest from her and if you want to know more why not check out Alex’s Pinterest offers?

Thank you Alex for supporting my blog. I hope that the wonderful readers will check out her blog as it has so much brilliant content.