Why Am I Obsessed With Creme Brûlée?

This can probably be considered a weird article but I just had to write it. My interest in Creme Brûlée is steeped in history. So much so that I thought I would share my fascination. Especially after last night in Paris, when I had the dish pictured above.

You see, I am a sucker for sweet things. Ever since my nan laced my dummy with syrup to shut me up as a baby, I have loved sweet food.

Warning – A dummy full of syrup led to several brown teeth that had to be removed early. Yet I forgave nan as she was a perfect nan in every other aspect of nan-ness.

The Long and the Short of it.

So Creme Brûlée popped up on my radar when I was a child but was a very rare treat. Somehow I knew straight away that this delicacy was special.

Yet it wasn’t until I was in my twenties that I actually fell head over heels for the delightful dish. My uncle worked as a marketing director for a dessert company and started bringing home new puddings. Every time I went round there would be a new sugary pudding to sample.

It was when he first brought out a creme brûlée and used a flame torch thing to burn the sugar on top that I got my first realisation of adoration. I instantly knew that this was my favourite kind of dessert.

From then on, if Creme Brûlée appeared on a menu at a restaurant I was present in then I was sure to buy it. I have tasted examples of it in various places around Europe. But last night was my absolute favourite.

The contract between the hard sweet top and the soft milky bottom was precise. It sent my taste buds into a frenzy. So I celebrate you – sweet Parisian restaurant whose name I have forgotten – for giving me the BEST Creme Brûlée that I have ever enjoyed.

For another of my recent posts, have a look at The Wonder Of Microforests.