Boost Your Blogging Motivation

Rachel is a brilliant blogger and this is a great post about motivation when blogging. I wonder what others think about maintaining passion whilst balancing blogging with other hobbies and work.

If there is one thing that you need in order to blog consistently, that is motivation. Motivation is what is needed for you to be productive, each …

Boost Your Blogging Motivation

5 Ways To Get Motivated Again!

After a long year of lockdowns and stress related to an international pandemic, lots of people are feeling deflated and finding themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place. The confusion and anxiety caused by a Covid-fearing world has left many people scratching their heads and completely out of sync with their families and lifestyles. This article is all about how to get motivated and back to something similar to ‘normal’.

Many are deflated after having experienced the effects of the pandemic firsthand, either by suffering from Covid, knowing others who were suffering from it or simply having their work worlds shaken by the effects of closures, furlough and financial instability.

Relationships have been strained and friendships have fizzled out as people have got used to living within bubbles and forgotten how to socialise in extended circles. Mental health has been affected and people are asking lots of questions about the world we now find ourselves inhabiting.

Here are my 5 ways to get yourself going again and reintroduce yourself to the wider world, by building your confidence and setting yourself realistic goals.

1) Reach out.

Too many friendships have been destroyed in the past year. Destroyed due to separation because friends have not been able to see one another. Friendships have also been strained as society pressures have been on and some have become upset with each other due to different attitudes to lockdown, mask wearing and general levels of cooperation with government measures.

We’ve all been there – One of our best mates has been putting pictures on social media of themselves meeting up with groups of people or socialising during lockdown while we have followed the rules and missed out on similar opportunities. These types of things have made friends less communicative and, coupled with distance, have impacted upon how much time people have been spending catching up with those people that matter to them the most.

Let’s not let these gripes grow. Instead we need to bite the bullet and make that vital move to reconnect with these important people. These incredible friends who would no doubt love to hear from us and rebuild the connections we used to enjoy so much. Reaching out is like re-wiring and can strengthen bonds as well as having positive affects on friends at a time when the world is unpredictable and knowing someone is standing in your corner can make such a difference to self esteem.

2) Get out!

It goes without saying that a change of scene has a massive effect on the way that you feel about yourself. It enables self-reflection and enables you to shake off the cobwebs that can otherwise swamp you if you allow yourself to fester in your own juices by staying at home all of the time. Of course, many have had no choice but to isolate and stay at home, but now that we have reduced restrictions, why not take time to go for a wildlife walk, a cycle into the hills or simply just a trundle to the local pond to feed the ducks?

3) Stay tuned in.

Music plays an important role in the lives of so many of us. We all have songs that resonate deeply and take us back to much happier times. Whether it’s ditties from childhood, pop music from our clubbing years or an instrumental that reminds us of a fond memory such as a holiday or special birthday party, music is often a cure to the doldrums and a stimulus which leads to a more positive mindset.

Having said that, the type of music which can motivate you will vary greatly from one individual to another. Obviously. So pull out that CD from the past which you could always rely on when you needed uplifting. Or explore new bands, listen to the Opera and maybe even get a meditation app which plays calming tunes to help get you in the zone and forget your stresses for a while. Switching off is the new remedy for overly dwelling on things. When you are stuck in a spiral of frustrations, meaningful tunes can settle you, calm you and even give you more enthusiasm for your everyday life.

4) Activate!

As lockdown has stifled our chances to go to the theatre, watch our favourite sports and attend festivals in person, some of us have got used to doing less out and about. Now is a perfect time to initiate a forward-thinking strategy and start finding ways to involve yourself in a new hobby. Those acting classes you always dreamt about could now become a reality. You always dreamed about riding horses? Book a session in and make learning to ride a personal commitment. From joining a book club to learning how to ski, make those ambitions start to become real and blow away those cobwebs by engaging with new people and making more friends as well as taking away that fulfilment that comes naturally with becoming a part of a new group of learning to make the most of your creativity.

5) Do something positive!

Making a difference is one of the best things anyone can do to improve not only their own lives, but also generate knock-on effects which could benefit others. For me, the Climate Crisis is important and problematic. I have already made simple changes to the way that I travel, to make sure that I am trying hard to reduce the impact my moving around has on the planet. I have decided no longer to fly anywhere and so actively find other ways to get around, concentrating on trains and buses while minimising the amount of trips I use my car for. It’s a small change to my routine and takes a little effort and sometimes more expenditure, but I feel positive about it.

Perhaps you can do something positive within your local community. Whether supporting a library or getting involved in a litter pick, looking after a protected woodland or offering to teach kids how to cycle safely (as a cycling proficiency trainer). Just making that effort to do something productive will inspire you, energise you and give you a sense of achievement.

I hope that you enjoyed this blog and perhaps might consider following my blog for more content. For another of my articles check out this.

Enjoy nature. Get out and about while showing consideration.

Moving on… cautiously.

Let’s look after our world.

I haven’t written a blog post about what’s going on in the world recently and updated my writing journey. So, today I thought I would start by reflecting on life right now and my feelings about this peculiar moment in time.

What’s peculiar about it? We are in a state of obvious limbo. As Covid resurges around the world, Britain is beginning to feel like it’s on the edge of the precipice, about to return to total normality. At least that’s how it comes across on social media. People are getting their hopes up about an end to a year of illness and disruption.

I suppose the first question I have is, ‘Do we really need to return to the old normality?’ Or can we create a better, more environmentally conscious ‘norm’? Have we learned lessons during this pandemic which could benefit us as human animals, trying to regain a natural balance within the world? A world where we are a competitive animal, but share our planet with millions of other species. Who can say for sure?

Greta Thunberg continually reminds us that global warming hasn’t gone anywhere. During lockdown we have begun to work differently, with international meetings replaced by Zoom conferences, saving thousands of air miles and the related pollution. Can we keep this up?

Do we need to think more carefully about flying around the planet? Is it the only way to travel? How much of this travel is avoidable? Certainly I hope that staycations become more popular and work travel becomes obsolete. But Greta also warns that so much more needs to be done if we are going to reduce overall warming and prevent further ice melt, flooding and loss of species.

Where’s Covid gone, anyway?

The real answer is…. It hasn’t gone anywhere. Any scientist will tell you that it is a virus which mutates. Sadly it will continue to do so and pose a challenge for our society for the foreseeable future. I love the optimism of many people in the UK but we have to keep our guards up.

I think if we keep cautious then we can start to have fun again. But massive parties and large gatherings may be a bit premature, especially with the Indian variant lurking in clusters within British towns and already casting shade over the imminent unlocking stage proposed by the government.

So what now?

Let’s read and write and be creative. Let’s find new ways to live and love and have incredible lives, whilst having a consideration for the environment and some awareness of the fact that Covid hasn’t quite dissolved away. It is still causing grief around the world and as global citizens we need to consider that.

I for one, cannot wait to see a theatre show (safely) and watch a movie in an actual cinema. More importantly I, like many of you, am gasping for a holiday. We just need to make sure we look after ecosystems and preserve the beautiful wildlife that co-inhabits this stunning planet.

I wish you all a safe and exciting summer and hope that you go for your goals.