The Truth IS Climate Change

A Climate Change Collective Link Post

Every month a different member of the Climate Change Collective group of bloggers writes about a pressing environmental issue. This month, the brilliant Transatlantic Notes covers the subject of Climate Denial which is sadly rife at the moment.

You can check out the very informative article here:

My Worries

Recently I was shocked by some of the responses I got to my posts on Twitter/ X about global warming. Some people are quick to shout down anyone who wants to promote awareness about climate change.

Similarly, certain high profile politicians are happy to deny climate change altogether. They call it a liberal load of rubbish and such like, suggesting that temperature change is natural and not related to industrialisation at all.


The Transatlantic Notes article includes various myths that have appeared in the press and helps to squash them:

Myth 1. | The Climate Has Always Changed; It’s Normal

Yes, there has been natural climate variability throughout history, and the planet has experienced climate shifts. However, what we’re experiencing today has scientists and experts concerned. Climate change is accelerating at a much faster pace than previous natural variations.


In A Nutshell

As a geographer who studied environmental change in the biosphere at University, I have been aware of global warming for thirty years. Only recently has it become more widely recognised, seemingly in line with heightened affects such as heatwaves, extreme weather events and flooding.

Following the misleading nonsense of climate deniers is undoing all of the good that climate protestors and scientists are doing. Hopefully, after reading the lead article you will see that there really isn’t a time or place for the denial of climate change.

Please check out the myths about climate change linked in the post above.

For another article by the Climate Change Collective of bloggers, check outWarmer weather – What’s not to like?

7 thoughts on “The Truth IS Climate Change

  1. Hopefully we can all take little steps to start off towards helping the environment that will have long-term benefits. A tree in everyone’s lawn, I imagine, would make a big difference.

  2. Great post Jamie! I can’t believe that global warming is part of a political climate in parts of the world. I see evidence of it where I live and love to support those bloggers such as yourself who are creating awareness. Thanks for sharing.

  3. It is so alarming to see the brazen denial of climate change coming from political leaders and those with considerable influence and reach, but it’s sadly not surprising given the political climate we live in these days. The amount of money the fossil fuels industry has is at play in all this misinformation as they don’t care about anything else but their own profit. And sadly, so many people are falling for it.

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