Arctic Climate in Crisis

This month the Climate Change Collective of bloggers decided to discuss the issue of how Climate Change is affecting the Arctic. Not only that, but we hoped to work out how those changes impact the rest of the world.

That was quite a tall order but Michelle did a brilliant job in her lead post:

Shrinking sea ice is one of the biggest changes which has ramifications for wildlife, including Polar Bears and seals. Ice melting generally will increasingly lead to higher sea levels and extended periods of flooding around our coasts.

In my own region, the Fenlands of East Anglia were reclaimed from being wetlands hundreds of years ago. With current predictions, they are likely to be back under water by 2050 if global warming is not tamed.

We should all be watching what is happening in the Arctic with a keen interest.

Animals such as walruses have less sea ice to inhabit and are forced to group together on land, especially in places such as northern Russia. Restrictions on space make them more vulnerable to predators. Michelle explains how these habitat alterations are worrying indeed.

In A Nutshell

There are many changes to Arctic ecosystems which are directly associated with temperature change. With sea ice melting more rapidly, this area is going to suffer from the negative consequences sooner and affect the rest of us too.

If you haven’t seen The Climate Change Collective before, we are an enthusiastic bunch of bloggers who are keen to write about environmental issues. Our goal is to spread awareness and make suggestions for living more sustainable lives.

Thank you for reading my post. Please check out the lead article and comment your thoughts on it for Michelle.

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