Saving Energy – Practically

At the end of every month, the Climate Change Collective of bloggers take turns writing an article about the environment. I am passionate about blogging about climate issues and saving energy. It is important that we keep raising the issue and share advice for being ecofriendly.

What is this month’s article about?

I loved reading the latest post which is by Cristiana (@crisbranc) and welcome her to our group. The article, How you can reduce your energy consumption and save money by saving the planet, explores many useful ways to make your home more energy efficient.

My Thoughts

I am trying very hard to keep my own house warm and have chosen a house with no gas supply. Electricity, on the whole, is a cleaner form of energy. The use of solar panels, hydro-electricity generation and wind farms is increasing, after all.

For me, I am paying the price, though. The Russian War and dependency of the UK on foreign fossil fuels stifles us somewhat. This has led to inflated prices, with my own electric bill being over £300 last month.

Keeping curtains closed really does make a difference. Using a hot water bottle is also a good way of avoiding heating my bedroom, I have discovered. Clothes are better left drying in the conservatory rather than in the tumble dryer, which is expensive to run.

In A Nutshell

Cristiana has produced a detailed list post with so many helpful tips. These range from reducing the temperature you heat your water to checking your oven is properly sealed. If you can make a few changes to become more energy efficient then you can also save money.

Thank you for reading my brief notes. Please pop over to the main Climate Change Collective post and drop a supportive comment. I also have written a poem about the environment, all about the lack of Snow.