Have You Caught That Writing Bug Yet?

As someone who talks for a living, some people are surprised when I tell them that my favourite thing is writing stuff down. It is a passion which has taken over my spare time and I absolutely love it. My first choice pastime is writing, closely followed by reading. One feeds into another in an interconnected cycle.

I wonder how many of you have caught the writing bug. Below are some questions to consider when trying to decide whether or not you are a writing addict.

Let’s celebrate writing.

When you wake up, do you feel the writing urge?

As soon as you open your eyes do you have an idea that you desperately need to write down? It happens to me a lot. I scribble it down on a post-it note or even send myself a text so that I don’t lose the idea on a busy work day.

This also occurs just when I am about to sleep and I find I cannot rest properly until I have found a way to record that little snippet of inspiration.

Is writing on your mind at work?

Let’s be honest, it can be very easy to drift off into your imagination, especially when you are doing a task that doesn’t quite fulfil your dreams.

If writing is on your mind, then possibly writing is the real career that you would be best suited to. For me, I plan to work part time in my workplace and a few days at home exploring my writing dreams. I cannot wait till September when this becomes a reality.

How many times have you desperately tried to find a way to note an idea down?

Is it me or do you also find that the best ideas arise when you have no means of getting them recorded?

I can be going for a run and see a couple arguing and think of a story idea or driving along with nowhere to stop and jot my thoughts down.

I would say if this has happened to you at least once a week for the last few months then you probably are addicted to writing too.

Do you get so involved with what you are writing that you forget that you wrote it?

Sometimes I get engrossed in a short story that I am working on and kind of detach myself from it. I start believing that the characters are real and wishing someone would tell me what happens next.

Then I realise that their life stories depend on my imagination and I reawaken to the fact that their future is in my hands alone. This makes me even more excited.

So what did you decide?

After considering the prompts that I included in this post, have you decided whether you currently have the writing bug or not?

If it is an illness then it is a rewarding one although it can sometimes flare up when it develops into that well known symptom – writers’ block. This can be overcome with a little dose of rest and reading, before subsiding and returning you to an inspired state.

Thank you for reading my silly article about writing addiction. I bet some of you are as hooked on writing as I am and I would love to know more about your experiences in the following comments section. If you enjoyed this piece then perhaps consider following my blog and making my day.

For a sample of my short stories perhaps check out my tale of misconception Feeling Judged.

10 thoughts on “Have You Caught That Writing Bug Yet?

  1. I caught the writing bug when I was quite young, and it has been with me ever since 🙂

  2. This happens to me not for writing but for dancing. Sometimes when I am writing my blog and I hear music coming from neighbours, my feet start tapping to the rhythm automatically. I also remember the complete choreography in that music video and then I forget what was I writing. I guess I am a dance addict 💃😃

  3. I caught it when I was a child and have done some form of writing since then; especially poetry! I’m always seeing things in a way that I can write about or put it in a poem, it’s great!

  4. It’s funny that I’m reading this in the middle of writing for like three days straight. I think I’ve written more consistently these last few days than ever before. Great post by the way!

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