Review of ‘The Chalet’.

A ski trip turns dark.

I had never heard of this author before but Catherine Cooper has made a brilliant first impression on me.

I was initially attracted by the setting which is pinpointed in the title, ‘The Chalet’. It made me think of snow and skiing and mountains. My curiosity drew me in deeper and I decided to purchase the book when I realised that each chapter was told by different characters; a style that I myself like to use.

The narrative was smooth at first, although skipping between 2020 and 1998, and I was introduced to important characters and a situation revolving around missing people. Later in the story, a new character came in and I was initially confused by her presence. All I can say is she added vital components to this skilfully told drama.

Wound together cleverly, so many different events mingle to create a story of awkwardness, death and revenge. I absolutely loved this story. If you like stories set in the Alps, missing people dramas and anything snow related, you will enjoy this fantastic novel.

Winter remnants

Although the white stuff’s almost gone, The problems linger on and on, A glimpse of winter made us cold, Yet global warming don’t grow old..

Today the snow is rare and a treat, To some it’s cool and fun and sweet. Yet winter isn’t what it was, Before pollution smothered the fuzz.

We know that cars and planes leak dirt, Gallons of filth they seem to squirt, Into the sky, warming it greatly, Causing less traditional winters lately.

I miss when snow came all the time, When streets were not so full of grime, When snow was not a lovely surprise, I miss those beautiful arctic skies.