Back To YouTube

This is just a quick post to say that after having six months off of YouTube I have started again. Last year I spent ages editing and playing around with bits of video to review books and TV shows, but then I lost my nerve. I felt a bit self-conscious and made the drastic decision to delete all of my content.

Despite such supportive comments on my videos and only the occasional bot heckle, I felt as though I was making a fool of myself by sitting at a desk and sharing my thoughts on things. The blog took over and I put all of my energy into that.

Nevertheless, after a while I missed interacting with the Booktube community and began to think about making videos again, but without having to spend hours editing and adding silly graphics. I also came to the opinion that a YouTube site would bolster my blog and the two things may complement each other. So, here we are. I am having another go.

This time I am keeping the videos short and all in one camera shot. My intention is to do mini-reviews and talk about things that matter to me without getting carried away with filters and picture cards.

There you have it. Nothing fancy or complicated. My blog is still my number one priority but, as you know, I love to mix it up a bit and I hope from time to time you will consider looking at one of my video reviews too. If you prefer a written review then here is my recent post discussing West Side Story.

11 thoughts on “Back To YouTube

  1. I’ve thought about making Youtube videos for years, pretty much what you’re doing, but my self-confidence is definitely not there so I always admire those who are able to do it 🙂

    Good luck with your channel and your blog! x

  2. Great Review! I love how you are mixing things up! Always great to do that! I still need to watch West Side Story! I loved the classic.

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