Reconnecting With Wildlife

This month the Climate Change Collective are writing about how to make fresh connections with nature or simply reawaken an appreciation of the world around us. The topic is discussed in the newest lead post by A Sustainably Simple Life.

Check out the brilliant article here:

The post talks about a personal experience of attending a retreat. I can totally relate to the idea that withdrawing from the hustle and bustle of daily life and spending time in the countryside is always beneficial.

Take Aways

Reading about being immersed with nature, this article reminded me how important it is to spend time with animals and plants. It is so easy to disconnect from the natural world and so making time to appreciate it is vital.

People who don’t recognise the importance of climate change are often busy working and caught up in urban life. Taking time away from all of that can draw attention to the fragility and value of wildlife and give us all moments to think about what is actually important.

As weather systems change and garden birds are becoming less visible, there is real value in ensuring you give yourself self care and allow yourself to rebuild a relationship with nature.

Thank you for popping by. Please check out the Climate Change Collective article linked above and drop a comment about how you plan to reconnect with nature.

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