Finally Cooler – A Poem

After a summer

Filled with such heat

Plenty of rain

Falling down on repeat.

Finally things 

Are cooling a bit

Late in October

I can’t quite believe it.

Last week we had records,

23 degree days.

As the Arctic ice melted

Some loved the hot days.

While crops over-ripened

And sea levels rose,

The extended hot summer

Meant many dipping their toes.

Yet still I am worried

That it is only the start

Soon Christmas will be boiling

Us baking like tarts.

So thank you October

For finally coming through

With much cooler weather

I can start feeling blue.


Thank you for taking the time to read my poem. Check out my That Weekend Feeling poem if you like this one. Also, perhaps consider following my little blog for similar future content.

Are You A Short Or Long Book Lover?

Only the other day I was talking to a very kind lady who worked in Waterstones about the length of books. I had been looking for a shorter book to read between my meatier ones and thankfully her store currently had a section just for those books that are under 200 pages. We discussed the preference for short or long books and decided we both went through phases. Can you be a book lover and not have a favourite size?

Having considered this a bit more, I realised that friends of mine tend to lean towards one or the other. I have a colleague who reads long crime books one after another. They never seem to opt for short books and hardly ever step out of that particular genre.

Others read a mix of YA books and Tiktok recommendations, which also tend to be on the shorter side.

Benefits of reading shorter books:

– These stories tend to be straight-forward. No getting bogged down in side characters and sub-plots.

– Stories revolve around one or two key characters who you can immediately start getting to know. For example, The Cockroach explored a political character and his rise to power.

– Short books don’t always need chapters and if they do have them, then there are very few.

– You can get through these quicker and read more of a variety of books if they aren’t super long.

Benefits of longer books:

– Much more meat on the bones. Obviously.

– You really go deep into the world of the characters and their minds.

– Chapters break the novels into manageable chunks (almost like short stories).

– Storylines are fully developed and are able to explore full character arcs including side characters. Sometimes they go off on interesting tangents and explore related issues.

– Longer books are often great inspiration for movies.

What do you prefer?

Is your preference for short or long books? Are you someone who likes to finish a novella in one sitting or would rather enjoy a gritty novel over several months?

For me, I tend to do a bit of both. I am usually reading a 400 page book or two, whilst also dipping into a couple of well chosen novellas.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my latest blog post. Check out my recent book review of Frazzled by Ruby Wax and perhaps consider following my blog for future book and TV reviews as well as environmental articles.

Travel Without Pollution

It is time for the latest blog post by ‘The Climate Change Collective.’ We set up a group of bloggers who take turns writing lead articles about global warming and being ecofriendly. After each post appears, all of us keen eco bloggers add our own thoughts on the matter, whilst linking to the lead piece.

This month’s thought-provoking article is by the brilliant @MidLifeOnEarth who is considering how we can change our attitudes to travelling locally to work, school and shops.

My Thoughts

When I went to University my geography lecturer spoke about the need to replace short car journeys with walking, cycling and public transport. I feel that he was ahead of the times in 1996 as he was consulting on cycling access throughout Europe and leading initiatives for sustainable transport.

Twenty seven years later and we still haven’t made much progress in the UK. It is a struggle to cycle alongside cars on roads filled with potholes. I feel ashamed that the UK government are not prioritising walking and cycling routes as these should be priority schemes.

It will take a huge mindset shift for people to transition to making local journeys on foot or on bikes. The results of such a move would be greatly reduced danger from vehicles, due to fewer cars on the roads. Also, fitness would improve due to increased amounts of cardiovascular activity. It would be a win-win situation.

In A Nutshell

Check out the latest article about the benefits of active travel and let us know your thoughts on this important environmental matter. For my last link post, perhaps also have a look at Why Greener Spaces Matter.

Thanks for looking at my post. Please read through MidLifeOnEarth’s fascinating article and drop a comment with your own ways of reducing vehicle travel.