Warm weather in winter – Poem

Spring comes early,

Snowdrops bloom.

Sunlight shines,

Inside your room.

Frosts no longer,

Snow no more.

Turn the heat down,

Warm weather in store.

Just remember,

This is not the norm,

Climate change

Is kicking up a storm.

While it feels good

It’s damaging deep.

Pollution is the problem,

The side effects creep…

Through ecosystems

And every nation,

So this odd, mild winter

Doesn’t garner celebration.

These are my brief thoughts about our particularly warm winter here in England. I do worry that people enjoy the lack of cold temperatures. I hope that this doesn’t make everyone less likely to push for change regarding climate change. For another poem about the climate, click here.

29 thoughts on “Warm weather in winter – Poem

  1. This is such a beautiful poem, your such a talented writer! It really hits deep and makes you realise what we’re doing to this world. Thank you so much for sharing this poem Xo

    Elle – ellegracedeveson.com

  2. I wasn’t expecting the direction it went in but really enjoyed this. It is concerning how much people are praising warmer winters, it’s not a good thing!

  3. Lovely poem Jamie. I agree, people think it’s all great because it’s warm outside, without realising it’s because of global warming.

  4. You are a wonderful poet. The words you use are so beautiful. You are so talented and you are amazing

  5. That’s not where I thought you were going with this but I appreciate it. It’s drives me crazy when weather forecasters in America say with glee about how warm it’s going to be during winter here. It’s not supposed to be a happy thing and you’re only reinforcing poor beliefs on climate change.

  6. Lovely poem! You have such a talent! Thank you so much for sharing. – Penny / whatdidshetype.com

  7. This was such a good one and really spoke volumes about this mild winter! For how much people enjoy this mild temperature its so so bad an unusual!

  8. Great poem, and it speaks a lot of truth. Winter has been quite warm for me this year. Rarely had to use my electric radiator and my central heating at the same time this year. Like only a couple of days over autumn and winter. Huge change difference to how it normals is

  9. I agree with your point of view, your article has given me a lot of help and benefited me a lot. Thanks. Hope you continue to write such excellent articles.

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